Monday, 9 May 2011

Online Shopping

Hi peeps.

Truthfully, I never buy a things through online shopping. I mean using online payment method and they'll post whatever things that you've ordered straight away to your house. I know it is easier, you don't have to go to one by one shop, don't have to suffer from lenguh/sakit kaki and all but then I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW AND I DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO EVEN TRY IT >,< And the other reason is, saya takut size badan si pemakai dalam gambar tak sama dengan size badan saya. Even if it is stated suit for XS/S size, I'm still not confident to purchase it. Orang dalam gambar pakai elok je cantik, tiba-tiba sampai kat aku yang pakai haa hamek kau gelebeh tang leher, besar tang ketiak dah macam apa je. Nie lah payahnya badan kurus and kecik and pendek! :S Saya ada 2 baju yang saya menyesal beli akibat tak try dulu before beli. I never wear them and thought of selling it but then who wanna buy it. Out-dated dah pon kot baju macam tu. haha :p So whatever it is, I have to try them(clothes) before I purchase them :)

Sebenarnya nak baju nie tapi tu lah, rasa macam errrrr nak taknak nak taknak nak taknak? :O

Till then, bye bye! :)


  1. ~syeira..baju gini ader yang cantik kat Forever 21...ngah sale..g arr...cantik taw :P

  2. ohyeke. hmm kita belum jejak pavi lagi sejak balik dr sabak bernam. hehe. sale sampai bilaaa? ala nak pegi laa

